Monday, 22 October 2012

Group 1 film opening analysis

Emily, Flynn, Emma and Max were all in group one and they analysed the opening of ‘Nightmare on Elm Street’. Here are some of the things that the pick out on thought out the opening.
The title flashes in in the colour red which could mean blood or danger, this could also show the audience it is in the horror genre. There is a small screen inside the big screen which could mean it is focusing on it more .You then see a man and you can tell his intensions are not good as the camera then zooms into a weapon he is holding. It then comes up with the producers name and shows that he is a well-known producer, the font is a creepy style and the size of it is all over the place. There is also a white background which makes the girl look more pure and innocent. There is then an extreme long shot of a dark hallway then there is a white light at one end of the hall way which could represent death as she is running away from it. There is then a close up of her face showing a shadow on half of it. She then gets scared by a sheep, the sheep could represent well life. There is then a retelling a chain which could show she is being watched. We then feel for the girl as she is finding it difficult to escape. We then see the same weapon that we saw the man holing at the beginning. This is also an example of a use of hand held cameras .The girl then screams and you can also hear the sheep scream as well. The killer is then seen behind her which makes us and her jump. She then wakes up as it was just a dream but there are cuts on her dress which could make it seem real which could create tension and confusion for the audience. It is dark gloomy lighting.

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