Friday, 23 November 2012

Preliminary evaluation

I enjoyed making our preliminary video very much as it gave me an insight to what it will be like when we make our final task of a horror opening as even though this was just a short 2-minute video I can use some of the skills I leant when making this for our final task video.
During this project we split the roles up equally as right at the very start we all came up with separate ideas, then chose our favorite one while adding an idea form each idea it to it to make our final idea that we all agreed on. Then when filming, max was the main character so was unable to film it but he was still a big input to what shots we would use but the filming was down to me, zoe and Emily. We divide the shots up and filmed an equal amount but we all discussed what angles and camera movements we were going to use before it got to the time to film. We al came up with the schedule after working out when we were all free and our actors and actresses were free, we diced to film all the different shots at the same time to make sure everything like the mise-en-scene would look the same and wouldn’t have been changed.
 What worked well though out our film was that we made sure all the roles were distributed evenly so everyone felt like they were doing something and not just standing around. We also tired to use the time wisely, as all the time we had free together we would sort out the final idea so everyone was on the same page yet when we couldn’t all meet up we would we still did work like decide on props and costume but kept everyone up to date.
 I feel what didn’t work so well is that when we came to filming the actual video we were still not completely sure what shots to use and then due to time restrictions we missed out a shot, which in the end did not matter but at the time people got a bit stressed and we had a few disagreements. Our other main problem we accounted was that the quality of our tripod was very bad as it barely stayed up and it wouldn’t stay straight which made it difficult to film some shots, but we got though it eventually by being extra careful when filming.
 When it comes to the main task I think I will do something’s differently like manage my time better by being a little more prepared before filming and leaving enough time to film all the shots we want at each location as for the final task we will have more things to worry about as we will probably have more actors and a different location and there may be more to film. I think for our final video we should include more shots like a long shot as all our shots for this task was mostly mid shots or close ups. We should also include some more angles like a high angle or a low angle.

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